+ Does hypnosis mean you can control my mind?

No, there is a lot of misinformation out there about hypnosis and this mainly derives from stage acts who aim to entertain by getting people to do crazy things. Hypnosis trance is a perfectly natural state that you go into every day when you are watching TV for example or going for a run, it is a form of deep relaxation and you are in control throughout.

+ I am having panic attacks and I feel stuck, negative thoughts are a real problem, how can you help?

Through the Initial Consultation I can get a clear understanding of what you would like to change and the information I give about how the mind works and why we experience panic and anxiety will help you to work out how to have more control over the negative thoughts. Anxiety serves an important function in survival but often this response is triggered by everyday life events which results in unpleasant physical and emotional reactions. Many of my clients who have been suffering with panic attacks and overwhelming anxiety find the sessions give them a “tool kit” that they can then use in life to prevent panic taking hold and have more awareness of what can trigger it, allowing them to discover and choose what their life can be filled with instead.

+ I am feeling anxious about the Menopause, how can you help?

Every woman will go through the menopause, some will have mild symptoms and others will have varied and difficult symptoms to manage. I specialise in helping women to understand what is going on in the body and most importantly the brain before, during and after the menopause. Being more informed is a step toward normalising what is going on for women especially when some of the symptoms cause anxiety, mood swings, sleepless nights and cognitive difficulties.

I use recent research to explain what happens to the female body and brain when hormones are depleted and how lifestyle changes can help. Understanding why these symptoms exist and then developing strategies that can help is also my focus. I use psychotherapy techniques to help you to feel more in control and identify what helps you to cope with any difficulties this process is presenting and identify triggers for some symptoms. Research has shown that if women are given an opportunity to talk about this time of life and reduce the catastrophising and negative forecasting, then these can be replaced with a more balanced sense of wellbeing.

Due to the decrease in hormones that help women to manage stress and anxiety it is even more important during this time of life to find ways to manage stress, and take life at a slower pace to allow for more relaxation. Hypnotherapy helps to reduce stress and also allows you time to focus on life through a more positive focus. Our moods can be very unpredictable during the various stages of the menopause and hypnotherapy can help find ways to manage this rollercoaster of hormones and emotions.

Then there is considering what opportunities this time of life can bring, how can we use this message to slow down in a positive way? I help women to reframe their menopausal experience. Join me for one to one sessions or contact me if you are interested in joining a 4 week online group Program.

+ How will this help me lose weight?

There are a number of reasons why weight can be an issue from a busy lifestyle that gets in the way of preparing healthy food to comfort eating at stressful times. Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy helps to reduce stress and negative thinking to be replaced with more motivation to make positive choices around eating habits and exercise. It isn’t a magic wand but if you engage in the process we can take the focus away from weight and food and instead help you to feel more confident and in control of many areas of life.

+ How many sessions will I need?

Very often clients see quick results and feel more positive and in control after only a few sessions, we then continue to work together to encourage a more positive and confident outlook and help you to work out how you want things to be in the future. Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is very effective and generally takes between 7-12 sessions.

+ How will you help with my phobia and how long will it take?

For fears and phobias this can be a shorter process as Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy works to remove the fear from the most early or significant event that caused the phobia. We then work together to replace this fearful memory with a visualisation of how you would like the situation to play out. So if it is a holiday you would like to book but your fear of flying is holding you back, or your fear of driving on the motorway is stopping you visiting your friends and family, Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy can help you get control back and get back on with your life.

+ Is this therapy as effective over Zoom?

Yes, as we find ourselves doing so much more of life on our screens this is one process that has no different effect whether you are in person or on zoom. All of my clients have been seen on zoom for many months and all have made significant progress.

+ What if I am on medication already for anxiety, can this still be helpful?

Yes, Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy and can help alongside a variety of medical treatments, both psychological and physical. It is important to let me know during our Initial Consultation so that I can be aware and best support you. Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is very effective to help people have more control over anxiety and sadness, helping combat constant negative thoughts that can have such a big impact on life and make you feel stuck.

+ What if I want to be able to talk about my problems, is this only talking about the positives and solutions?

I work collaboratively with you to understand what you would like to be different and for some clients it is helpful to talk about the issues they are struggling with. I gather information about what you want help with during the Initial Consultation along with some background history. From these discussions I can help you to identify your strengths and how you cope with these difficulties. I believe everyone has the capacity and strength to overcome their problems and find solutions, sometimes we just need some help to work these out. It is also important to note that if you don’t want to talk about a significant event from your past then that is OK too, Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy does not require analysis of past events or issues.

+ My problems are more about physical pain than anxiety or stress, can this still help me?

The answer is a big Yes. I know from personal experience, and with clients that I help, that chronic pain can have a huge impact on our quality of life. It can feel like pain has control through: disturbed sleep, relationship stress, anxiety, low mood, issues with working, how to socialise and maintain friendships, fatigue and difficulty planning ahead to name but a few. Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy helps to get you back in control, using neuroscience to explain the different types of pain and how they are generated in the body and how we can disrupt the pain messages to the brain. I can help you to focus on what you can control and imagine how better life can be when the pain is managed better. The trance during the session will also help reduce the pain messages and help you to feel more relaxed and support better sleep.

+ I want to win at my sport. How can you help?

To help you get psychologically fit. This is a fascinating area of Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy that draws on the function of the brain that can visualise a clear sporting goal and also rehearse your particular sporting skill in your mind producing amazing results. I can help you to have more control over your nervous energy to make it work for you, along with supporting you to practice the important techniques in your mind so that they become part of your subconscious to draw upon when needed. There are many studies that show how the brain can rehearse a physical skill many times over and get as good results as practising this physically. Put these two approaches together and you get awesome performance. The visualisation that I can help you create in your mind of that winning moment, and how you will achieve it, gives you inner confidence that will make the difference between you and your opponent.

+ How does hypnosis help with pregnancy and birth?

Hypnosis allows a state of deep relaxation. Maintaining a perception of control over the process and developing a positive attitude toward the birth. Hypnosis has been clinically proven to reduce morning sickness and incidence of premature labour. As well as reducing fear and anxiety there are numerous positive effects on both mum and baby during pregnancy, birth and the post-natal period. Studies show that using hypnosis reduces the length of first labour up to 3.23 hours shorter than the average length. In second or subsequent births a change of 52 mins shorter than the average labour. Research shows there is a reduced use of chemical analgesia and anaesthesia. Hypnosis in childbirth also reduces the rates of both intervention and complications, along with reducing incidence of postpartum depresssion. The chances of positive postnatal reflection are also increased when hypnosis is used - by feeling in control.

If your question has not been answered above please get in touch

Mobile: 07756129226 Email: jmcphillipshypnotherapy@outlook.com

My journal might have some answers too