Hypnotherapy can help Long-Covid

Many Long Covid sufferers have a wide range of symptoms that make living with this illness very difficult, nerve pain is common along with sleep difficulties, anxiety and low mood caused by living with the uncertainty of this illness and the varied effects of the symptoms.

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Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy can help clients to reduce anxiety, feel calmer and more in control of their emotions, along with deep relaxation that can help reduce the impact of nerve pain. Another benefit is helping clients to feel more in control of life at a time when their health is hard to manage.

There is still a lot to learn about Long Covid and so complementary therapies such as this can help support your recovery whilst research can shed more light on what else is needed to help the body to avoid this illness. Chronic fatigue is a theme of Long Covid and from personal experience this can mean life is not the same anymore and even small tasks can seem impossible.

Having more control over negative forecasting such as ‘Will I ever get well?” “What if I can never go for a run again or work full time?” is helpful to work out what a Long Covid sufferer can control and feel more hopeful about the future again.


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