Stress less achieve more


Are you feeling stressed, tired, busy but unproductive? Would you like to have a clearer mind, more energy and feel like you can achieve more? Then this is your stress solution. Listen regularly to get quick results.

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Why use a hypnosis download?
We are often so busy with the stressors life brings that we do not give ourselves time for reflection and deep focus on possible solutions. Therefore it is hard for us to let go of stress and anxiety, make healthier lifestyle choices and also get deep and nourishing sleep.
Hypnotherapy allows the mind and the body to focus on solutions and healing, finding its natural balance.

How does it work?
Hypnosis downloads allow you to enhance the control over your mind and body, so that you are not judging and evaluating things in the usual way, allowing you to think freely and move toward the changes you wish to make.
Research has shown how the brain works on various brain waves that have different functions and hypnosis allows for more of the brain waves that allow for problem solving and reduced stress.

What do I need to do to make it work?
One of the wonderful things about learning self hypnosis is that the less you try the better it works.
All you need is an open mind to try something new that can be helpful to overcome issues.

To get the most from your hypnosis download:
Find a comfortable and quiet place where you won’t be disturbed
If you are listening during the day and have a busy schedule, maybe set a gentle alarm after 35 mins just in case you get so relaxed you fall asleep!
Build a regular time slot each day or evening to listen to your download. Repetition will give maximum results

Very important, do not drive whilst listening to your hypnosis download


I will be adding to this growing catalogue of downloads to help with a variety of issues, including ADHD, decision making, confidence building, anxiety, fertility… watch this space for more solutions to your lifestyle needs……